Scope of Surveillance Services

Our fee covers the following:

  • Travel from the nearest available agent’s home to the given location
  • Following the subject to the subject’s destination, if applicable
  • If possible, obtaining photographic evidence – please note this may be difficult in the hours of darkness or in dark places such as pubs and nightclubs
  • Return to the agent’s home
  • Writing the report

If you wish to proceed, please supply the following information so we can check availability and provide you with a quote:

  • The location you require the agent to attend
  • The date and time you want surveillance to commence
  • The name of the subject
  • A photograph of the subject
  • The colour, make, model and rego of the subject’s vehicle
  • The name of the person you suspect the subject will be meeting, if known
  • A photograph of the person you suspect the subject will be meeting, if known
  • The colour, make, model and rego of the vehicle being used by the person you suspect the subject will be meeting, if known
  • Any time limit
  • Your address for admin purposes
  • Your phone number

Factual Investigations

Engage in thorough investigations involving victim and witness interviews for incidents like traffic accidents or workplace injuries.

Mystery Shopping

Attending a store in person and making specified or unspecified purchases of goods or services in order to test the Customer Service standards of your staff either in person at the time or subsequently via telephone or email. A written report will be provided. This service is only available in limited areas in Western Australia.

Test Purchasing

Attending a store (either physically or online) and purchasing specified goods, photographing and packaging the unopened goods, posting them to the client for laboratory testing, and writing an Affidavit. This service is only available in limited areas in Western Australia.

Comprehensive Investigation Capabilities

There are some 60 aspects of investigation so we can’t possibly list them all here, nor do we pretend to expert in all of them, however, if we can’t assist you directly we have a nationwide network of contacts plus investigators in over 216 countries.

Please email your requirements to Contact and let us provide you with a quote.